
Parish Monthly Newsletter May 2024


Parish Monthly Newsletter May 2024

Welcome to St. Anthony’s Church

We kindly ask that you respect our Parish Church guidance:

¨ Please turn off your mobile phone when you enter the Church.

¨ Please remember that many parishioners like to pray before and after the mass so please be respectful and keep talking/noise to a minimum.

¨ People displaying any symptoms of Covid or Flu should stay at home and not travel to church or participate in person.

¨ Hand sanitiser is available near the entrances to the Church.

¨ The use of face masks is a personal choice.

¨ Holy Communion can now be received on the tongue or on the hand and The Sign of Peace can now be carried out with handshakes (if you so wish).

Mass times:

Mondays to Saturdays: 9.30am (and 7.30pm on Tuesdays);

Sunday Masses:  6pm (Saturday evenings);  9.30am; 11.15am and 5.30pm.
Adoration and Benediction: Every Friday at 7:30pm.

Please note that after every week day mass (except Wednesdays) The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for 30 minutes so that parishioners can pray for world peace.

The Angelus

The Angelus will be said every Saturday at 6pm, before the evening Mass, and after the 11.15am Mass on Sunday.

The parish website has details of the weekly Mass Intentions.

Sunday Teas: The next Sunday teas will be served by the following groups:

5th May: The Knights of St Columba

12th May:  The Parish Pastoral Council

19th May:  The Union of Catholic Mothers

Recently Deceased: Please pray for the soul of Reverend Father Barry Hughes (who was once a curate at St Anthony’s).  The funeral will be at St Michael and All Angel’s RC Church, Locksbottom, Farnborough on 13th May at 12 noon.  May his soul rest in peace.

Please remember to check the notice boards for details of recent bereavements and funerals.

Southwark Youth Service Returns!  Please see

Mass for London Migrant Workers in honour of St Joseph the Worker is on Monday 6th May 2024 at St George’s Cathedral, London SE1 6HR at 12.30pm.  All are invited.  Please come early.  You are welcome to come in national dress if you would like to take part in the banner procession at 12.15pm.   The Mass is hosted by the three London Catholic Diocese, supported by the Justice and Peace Commissions and Ethnic Chaplaincies, Caritas Brentwood and London Citizens UK. in celebration of all the people who live, work and contribute to life across our city.

Young Adult Events: St George’s Cathedral  hosts a monthly Young Adult Mass at 6:00 pm on the first Sunday of every month, followed by a social gathering (for those aged 18+). There are also weekly events and socials on Thursday evenings. Details can be found on the RCAOS website, Facebook, and Instagram @stgeorgesya.

Mass in Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage July 13th, at St George’s Cathedral: If you are celebrating your st/10th/25th/40th/50th/60th + wedding anniversary this year, please let us know as soon as possible, and no later than May 31, providing the following details:  your names in the format John and Mary Smith, your home address, the anniversary you are celebrating, so you can receive an invitation from the Archbishop for the renewal of vows during Mass.  Spaces are limited.  Email us at  As the title of your email, please write your parish location e.g. Clapham, Beckenham.

Financial Support: We appreciate your continued care and support for our parish Community.  Parishioners can contribute directly to the Parish bank account: Natwest Bank Beckenham Branch, Sort Code 60-02-12 and Account Number 46000208. Tax payers, please join the Gift Aid programme allowing our parish to increase the value of every donation it receives from tax payers by 25%. We value your assistance in maintaining our wonderful Parish community.  Please note that the name of the Parish Bank Account is RCAS St Anthony of Padua Anerley. 

Life in the Spirit Seminars: Through the Seminars many have found their faith refreshed and renewed through talks, discussion and reflection on topic such as God’s love and Salvation and what living the new life in the Holy Spirit is all about as we approach the feast of Pentecost.  Pope Frances has called for Life in the Spirit Seminars in all parishes and the Seminars are being run throughout the Archdiocese with the support and encouragement of Archbishop John Wilson.  “I ask each and all of you that as part of the current of grace of Charismatic Renewal you organize seminars of Life in the Spirit in your parishes and seminaries, schools, in neighbourhoods, to share Baptism in the Spirit,”Pope Francis.  St Edmunds Beckenham is a hub for the seminars. 20 Village Way, BR3 3NP  Please note, Life in the Spirit Seminars at St Edmunds began on Wednesday 24th April at 8.00pm in the parish hall.  All are invited.

For more information including speakers or to register go to or email  All are Welcome.

Flame 2025: Flame is the largest Catholic youth event in the UK, featuring guest speakers, award-winning musicians, praise and worship, Eucharistic Adoration and much more! The event is open to those from school year 9 to university age.  The Archdiocese has purchased a block booking.  Group Leaders from schools, parishes, and universities can book at  The early bird price is  £29. which is payable by 1st August 2024.  To receive regular updates on youth and young adult activities please sign up to the Youth Network at  For details of forthcoming youth days, youth retreats, training and other events, please visit  Please direct any enquiries to

Rediscover Your Marriage: Retrouvaille offers you the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. 10s of 1000s headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending and using the tools provided. There is no group therapy or group work. The next programme commences with a weekend in Welwyn Garden City on 14-16 June 2024. Call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443, email – or visit

Divine Mercy Recollection Day: The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London is holding a First Saturday Divine Mercy Recollection Day at the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, on Saturday 1st June 2024 from 11 am to 4:30 pm. The Recollection Day will include teachings on the Message of Mercy, Holy Mass, Stations of the Cross, Hour of Mercy with Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. All welcome. Pls call Millie on 07957594646 for more information. Coaches from Ealing Broadway and Victoria.

If you would like to book a Mass, there are envelopes at the back of the church. 

Thank you to all those people who help support the Parish: Those who help in whatever way in the Parish, read at Mass, clean the Church, arrange flowers, help with Parish events or generally help in the background, are thanked for their generous help and support. 

Notices for the newsletter need to be emailed/posted to the presbytery by the last Thursday of the month (


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  1. Feria

    September 4 - September 7

Mass Times

Saturday: 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday: 9:30am, 11:15am & 5:30pm Monday: 9:30am
Tuesday: 9:30am
Wednesday: 9:30am
Thursday: 9:30am
Friday: 9:30am

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September 2024
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St Anthony’s Primary School

St Anthony of Padua RC

Established in 1878, revived in 1927 & consecrated on 14th June 1950. We are a registered charity under the Archdiocese of Southwark with Parish Priest Father Sunith Nonis & Assistant Priest Father Stuart Meyer.


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